It was Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, who is often attributed to the quote “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”. It is a succinct yet powerful reminder of the effect that our mindset can have on whether or not we are setting ourselves up for success in our working lives… and beyond!

Neuroscientific research has taught us that the human mind often has a natural bias towards the negative and to view the proverbial glass as “half full”. However, the good news is that much like any muscle in the body, we can train the brain to nurture new neural networks to focus on and amplify the positives and manage and mitigate the negatives.


Next month on the 7th of December will be hosting our next Think People Academy session focused on Personal Power. This half-day interactive workshop will support participants to build, what Fred Luthans and colleagues defined, as Psychological Capital (or “PsyCap”), which refers to the internal resources we have within us to manage stress and drive towards success. The workshop will introduce participants to a range of models, frameworks, tools and techniques to enhance their sense of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism (or the ‘HERO’ within themselves).

During the session, participants should expect to: –


  • Challenge their thinking around personal power
  • Use brain science to access greater personal power (with reference to The Chimp Paradox by Dr. Steven Peters)
  • Understand any potential barriers to success and how to challenge these
  • Explore practical tools that help them connect with positive impact when engaging with others
  • Re-define confidence and examine how to claim greater confidence (and freedom) for themselves
  • Explore ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and how to manage it
  • Harness the power within by visioning the future, identifying steps to realise this and taking action
  • Identify new helpful habits to set themselves up for success and how to harness these


This workshop is beneficial to both managers and individual contributors within organisations, who wish to improve their career prospects through developing a ‘strengths-first’, ‘can-do’, ‘growth’ mindset. This workshop will equip you with the fundamental theories, principles and practices you can engage in to take the next step on your journey towards ‘self-actualisation’ or your ‘best self’.

Join us on this half-day journey of self-exploration and discover techniques to assist you to unlock your potential as you step into 2024.

Spaces are limited, so early registration is advisable. You can book your space here.